Notice of AGM

AGM Notice July 12th 2020, 10:00 am

In order to limit interaction and set up the space for the meeting appropriately please pre-register by July 4th by doing the following:

1.  Download a member designate form from the website, fill it out and email it to us.

    a) If the member designate is attending only the member designate form needs to be filled out

    b) If the member designate is sending a proxy, then both forms need to be filled out.

2.    Please use e-Transfer to pay your membership fee.

3.    Please check this website before the meeting for any changes regarding COVID-19 requirements. 

Interac e-Transfer

Dear Granite Hills HOA members,

We would like to inform you that you may now pay any membership fees using Interac e-transfer.  Just make certain to use our association name and our email address to send the payment, as below:

Granite Hills Home Owners Association

Contact us to setup.

Dues Reminder

We hope everything is well with you.

This is a friendly reminder that Granite Hills Home Owners Association Membership Fees are due on May 1 2020. Fees for this year are $50.00 .  The Membership Fees invoices have been mailed as of today.  Cheques should be made out to :

Granite Hills Estates Home Owners Association

and sent c/o 

904-180 Tuxedo Ave Winnipeg      

Winnipeg MB R3P 2A6

We thank you for supporting your association.  If you have not yet sent payment, we ask that you do so as soon as possible.  

Thank you,
Leanna Senez

Treasurer, GHHOA 

Informational site for the GHHOA